Thursday, November 10, 2016

First & Last Letter Power!

For First and Last Letter Power, Spiderman brings us his letter in addition to a bag full of Alpha-Bits cereal! 

I give each student a handful of the cereal and they turn to their partners.  On First Letter Power day, they have to hold up one of the pieces of cereal, say the letter and sound, and then think of a word that begins with the given sound.  For Last Letter Power day, they do almost the same thing, except they think of a word that ends with the given sound.  

We practice checking the first and last letter with tricky pictures on the Smartboard.  In the images below, you can see us practicing First Letter Power!  

Top left: This picture shows something that could be a puppy or a dog.  In order to know which word is in the sentence, we have to rely on our sight words and the first letter.  I can see a DOG would start with a D, but this word starts with the letter P.  That means it must say "I can see a puppy."

Bottom left:  This picture shows something that could be pizza or a slice.  In order to know which word is in the sentence, we again have to rely on our sight words, first letter, and now pointer power.  I can see pizza would have four words and the last word would start with the letter P.  This sentence has 5 words and the last word starts with the letter s.  So we know this sentence says "I can see a slice."

Don't forget, you can find a scanned copy of all the Spiderman letters I use in this unit by clicking HERE!

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